Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Vanuatu Land Divers' Coming of Age Tradition

The culture of the inhabitants within the island of Vanuatu implements a unique coming of age ceremony where male members must dive head first off of wooden platforms that stand as high as ninety-eight feet up in the air. When members of the society jump, they do so with only a line of vine wrapped around their ankles. Being that there is no guarantee for their safe delivery to the ground, members face the possibility of serious injury or death if there are any miscalculations with the jump or vine length. Males as young as five years old (Watson 2010) start to participate in this activity and as they increase in age, so do the platforms. This ceremony is designed to test the manhood and bravery of the males within the community, and when males at a young age participate for the first time, their mothers often dispose of items relating to the divers’ childhood, signifying them coming of age.

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