Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Sateré-Mawé's Bullent Ant Coming of Age Ceremony

The Sateré-Mawé is an indigenous tribe belonging to the northern region of the Amazon. They are a group cloistered from the outside world, and partake in many of the old traditions that their ancestors practiced. The Sateré-Mawé believes in cultivating strong, reliant, and fearless members of society to ensure its survival. Young males that are destined to become these fearless warriors are required to subject themselves to hours of immeasurable pain by placing their hands inside gloves filled with Paraponera Clavats (bullet ants). These ants are nothing like those found in other parts of the world, they are unique breeds that are highly venomous. They inject “a neurotoxic peptide” ("Cultures and Customs” 2013) known as poneratoxin. Once introduced into the bloodstream, the toxins start affecting the nervous system and cause temporary paralysis in areas around the injection site. This ceremony, otherwise known as the bullet ant “coming of age initiation,” ("Cultures and Customs” 2013) allows those being tested to prove their reliance to pain and achieve warrior (adult) status.

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